Find Out What Your Customers Need and Want
Everyone has a customer. Public Domain uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to find out what your customer wants and needs.
We offer strategic advice based on empirical data.
We provide strategic consulting, image assessment, use and attitude measurement, pricing strategies, customer satisfaction, opinion polls and focus groups, segmentation studies and other services to provide customers with the information necessary to make informed decisions.
Marketing Strategy
Before you spend advertising dollars selling your latest product, find out the moods, likes and feelings of consumers in order to tailor your message to a more receptive audience.
Useful Intelligence
Find out why your competitor’s products are selling and yours are not. We can help with:
Internal Satisfaction
Retaining quality staff is a key to the success of any business. Dissatisfied employees are more likely to leave. We offer staff satisfaction surveys, the results of which empower employers to make changes to deficient parts of the business.
Product Development
We can help with:

In close elections, candidates and parties need the strategic advantage to come out on top. Public Domain offers polling services in order to accurately assess the mood of the electorate.
We can also help you find out what issues are most important to voters, along with what they think about your positions.
We can help with:
The public sector delivers a variety of services. Through polling, focus groups and other analytical tools, we can assist decision-makers with the evaluation of proposed policy changes and work that is underway.
You only have one opportunity to announce a new program or initiative.
Our research tools will allow you to gauge what the public thinks before an announcement is made. This allows for changes to be made to initiatives or the message surrounding initiatives beforehand in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Advanced public opinion research also allows for the creation of a response to controversy before announcements are made.
Public Domain can also evaluate the public’s perception of the effectiveness of agencies, their leadership and the delivery of services.
For public affairs groups, non-governmental organizations and think tanks, we provide national surveys on any range of issues under study, including crime, education, traffic, the economy, gaming reform and health care.